Thursday, December 7, 2017

Reglas de oro de la abundancia / Golden rules of abundance

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These pages are an invitation to become aware of who we really are, where we come from, where we are going, and the reason for our existence in this world. The common thread is the revelation that we all are the creators of our own destiny and that the architects are our feelings and thoughts. This means that if you learn to focus your attention on what you want, instead of what you don't want, your life will change completely. The path proposed by the author opens our minds to infinite possibilities, in a way that we can understand. We are creating our futures, depending on what we feel and think about the present. Like construction tools, this book provides a series of daily practices based on the fundamental principle of the universal law of attraction: like attracts like.Estas paginas son una invitacion a tomar conciencia de quienes realmente somos, de donde venimos, adonde vamos y cual es la razon de nuestra existencia en este mundo. El hilo conductor es la revelacion de que todos somos creadores de nuestra propia realidad y que los arquitectos son nuestros sentimientos y pensamientos Esto quiere decir que si aprendes a focalizar tu atencion en aquello que deseas, en.

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